
Greater Lansing Area Bowling Hall of Fame

The purpose of this organization is to honor, pay tribute to and perpetuate the names of those men and women who have made significant contributions to the growth and welfare of the great games of Ten Pins by their bowling abilities and/or through their Meritorious Service activities within the geographical confines of the Greater Lansing area.

The Board of Directors consists of not less than 11 members--four from the Lansing Men's Bowling Association, four from the Lansing Women's Bowling Association, and three from the Greater Lansing Bowling Proprietor's Association.  Membership Qualifications: Applicants for membership in the Hall of Fame must be fifty (50) years of age prior to January 1st of the year they are being inducted and have a minimum of twenty years activity involving bowling within the Greater Lansing area. If in a case of serious illness, serious injury or death before his/her twenty years of bowling have been secured, special consideration for nomination to the Bowling Hall of Fame shall be made. Membership will be determined by the Hall of Fame board annually.

Nomination forms can be obtained from any of the directors or under the Forms tab.